Build Examples

Here are a couple of Maven build commands to get you started:

mvn test

will compile and perform unit tests on the build for all archetypes types.

mvn verify -Pcov -Pits -Pmut

will compile, perform unit, integration, and mutation tests, as well as enforce source validations for the Advanced and Full types archetypes.

mvn package -Pprepare-deployment

will compile, perform unit tests, and package all the jar archives for the Full type archetypes.

mvn install -Pcov -Pits -Pmut -Pprepare-deployment -Psign-deployment

will compile, perform unit, integration, and mutation tests, as well as enforce source validations, package all the jar archives and eventually install to the local Maven repo (~/.m2/repository), for archetypes of type Full.

mvn release:prepare -Dtag=1.2.3 -DreleaseVersion=1.2.3 -DdevelopmentVersion=1.2.4-SNAPSHOT \
&& mvn release:perform

will compile, perform unit tests, as well as enfroce source validations, package all the jar archives, install them to the local Maven repo (~/.m2/repository), and eventually deploy them to Sonatype OSSRH artifact repository (Maven Central) for archetypes of type Full.